AI vs. Human: Who is Better At Recommending Books?

In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has become an important tool in the field of book recommendation, but when it comes to who does a better job, it’s worth asking the question: AI or human? Each of these solutions is different, and depending on the situation, the outcome can be quite different.

AI: Advantages and accuracy

Artificial intelligence using machine learning algorithms has significant advantages when processing large amounts of data. It analyzes user behavior, preferences, and purchase histories to suggest books that are likely to be of interest. These systems can take into account multiple parameters including genre, authors, rating, and even topics that might be of interest to the user.

In addition, AI works tirelessly and adapts quickly, offering personalized recommendations based on the analysis of previous choices. This makes it an indispensable tool for large bookstores and online platforms, where millions of users search for new books every day.

Human: Emotions and Intuition

On the other hand, human recommendations have the unique ability to take into account not only the facts, but also the emotional response to books. A human recommender can understand the nuances of a reader’s tastes, preferences, and even mood. He or she can suggest a book that matches not only external attributes, but also a person’s internal state, which can’t always be assessed with algorithms.

Also, if a person is familiar with the author or has personal experience with the book, it can convey more context and emotion that AI simply cannot. For literature lovers who value a deeper approach and personal interaction, recommendations from a real person may be more valuable.


In the question of “AI vs. human: who is better at recommending books?” both approaches have their strengths. AI outperforms humans in speed, data volume, and algorithm accuracy, but humans win in intuitive insight, emotional depth, and personalized approach. The best results are often achieved when the two methods are combined, with AI helping with basic recommendations and humans adding value through emotion and context.